Transforming Our Work Cultures
Creating work places which work well for people, communities and shared economy 
Circle Point Wellness is committed to deep collective transformation inside our work places, communities and the world. 
Through our trainings and events we support the transformation of work cultures.  
Decreasing and transforming burn out in our work places.
Building spaces where people work together in equitable and healthy ways. 
Transforming how conflicts are resolved, and crisis are de-escalated.
Ensure transformative leadership which centers well-being of people, the economy and the planet.
How we transform work cultures
Our trainings teach skills for better human connection and overall work place culture well-being.

We nourish a healthy and thriving work place culture through our two training streams: trauma informed workplace, and feel good workplace.

In both of these streams we use our distinctive method of combining body-mind science and social justice background to provide a training tailored to the needs of the teams.

Dinner events which bring together diverse leaders to nourish human connections and build collective capacity.

Our dinners are spaces where we cultivate nourishment of ideas, body, mind, soul and community for people committed to real change.

We explore the theme of cultivating feel good work through making space for heart felt connections, where collaborations grow naturally and change happens together.
How we transform work cultures
Our trainings teach skills for better human connection and overall work place culture well-being.

We nourish a healthy and thriving work place culture through our two training streams: trauma informed workplace, and feel good workplace.

In both of these streams we use our distinctive method of combining body-mind science and social justice background to provide a training tailored to the needs of the teams.

Dinner events which bring together diverse leaders to nourish human connections and build collective capacity.

Our dinners are spaces where we cultivate nourishment of ideas, body, mind, soul and community for people committed to real change.

We explore the theme of cultivating feel good work through making space for heart felt connections, where collaborations grow naturally and change happens together.
Get inspired. Listen to our Podcast 
 Real time  raw conversations with some of today's most inspiring leaders, changemakers and thinkers. Explore the topics of what is feel good work, and how can we ensure it becomes our new norm.  
What people are saying about us
Start creating feel good work now!
Download our resources for leaders and teams. 
What makes our work different from other training companies.  
Our approach exists at the intersection of well-being and social justice supporting individual and collective well-being, through individual and system wide change.

Our trainings are born from 24 years of front line experience by our Founder Snjezana Pruginic as a Somatic Trauma Therapist, Community and Restorative Justice Worker, Community Builder and Transformative Change Agent.

We build our process on three pillars:


And transform harmful processes.


Collectivity and healthy relations.


Through system level and individual work.

 24 Years of Excellence 

7+ Countries

3000 + Trainees

Get Inspired. Subscribe to our Newsletter.
Explore ideas, resources and conversations on the topics of feel good work. 
 Who do we work with?

C-Suite Executives, ED's, Senior Management, Operational Managers  and decision makers

With operational and front line staff teams. 

Our Why
Our vision

We envision a world where every individual thrives in an equitable and flourishing society.

Our mission

We are dedicated to transforming our systems from the inside out, creating spaces where people, planet and economic sustainability for all thrives. 

About the Founder and your co-creator
Snjezana Pruginic is a somatic trauma therapist, transformative justice worker, consultant, and trainer operating at the crossroads of well-being and social justice. With over 23 years of global experience, she has collaborated with diverse businesses, municipalities, academia, non for profits, and communities worldwide. Reshaping the way people take care of each other, the world, and ourselves, he work is rooted in building of relational literacy.

She has worked with municipalities such as City of Toronto, and countless private and non for profit sector organizations and companies in training leaders and employees in emotional literacy, trauma-aware practices, crisis response, conflict transformation, employee well-being.  
In addition, she has collaborated extensively with partners on creating employee well-being programs, community crisis responses and co-founding 'the well collective' which challenges the whiteness of the wellness sector.
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HONORING WHERE WE ARE- Land Acknowledgement

Even though we work globally, our offices are on the traditional unceded territory of Huron-Wendat, Anishinabek, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and The Mississaugas of the Credit River First Nations.  As treaty people on this land, we acknowledge the collective, yet uniquely, and individually distinct responsibility of repairing the harms and preventing further harm caused by the White supremacist, colonial, systems which impact all parts of society, and which are directly responsible for the violent physical and cultural genocide of Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island, and the forced enslavement of people of African decent on these lands.

In our work we are accountable to all care practices that are not entangled with, and structured in punishment, surveillance and control. Care practices which are land based, and built on mutual support. Practices indigenous to all of our ancestors, and stolen from many. In our work we bring the history of our own individual ancestries, as well as the rich genealogy of deep lineage of care present in Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Color (QTBIPoC) communities. Communities from which self-determined care has been stolen through the legacy and present day reality of colonialism, supremacy and binary based systems. We actively center the QTBIPOC voices and aim to ensure that we are taking leadership in care by those who experience most harm.